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Freelancing and accountancy: Ask Andy Answers

We’re nearly two months on from the introduction of the IR35 reforms in the private sector, but many of you…


Terms of engagement and end client issues: Ask Andy Answers

As contractors get to grips with the IR35 reforms, they continue to be a source of confusion for many. Kingsbridge’s…


How much will an IR35 tribunal cost?

It’s now well over a month since the IR35 reforms came into effect, shifting the liability of your IR35 status from you as the contractor to your fee-payer. But what exactly does…


Living with IR35: Ask Andy Answers

As the 2021/22 tax year gets into its stride, the IR35 questions for Andy Vessey, Kingsbridge’s Head of Tax and…

Partner News

How to make your recruitment office greener

We never thought we’d be so happy to see our offices again. Desks that don’t double as dining room tables!…


Gary Lineker targeted by HMRC over £4.9m IR35 bill

BBC presenter Gary Lineker is currently being chased by HMRC for £4.9 million in taxes and national insurance. During the First-Tier Tribunal released in April, it was declared that the Match…


Pensions and National Insurance: Ask Andy Answers

It’s hard to believe that the private sector IR35 reforms have been with us for a month already, but here…

Contracting Life

I`m a contractor: What about my student loan?

This article is for information purposes only and should not be seen as financial advice. You should always consult with…


A month in to IR35: Ask Andy Answers

Here we are at the end of April. The IR35 reforms have been in play for almost a month and…

Partner News

The top 10 management tools for recruiters

“This Teams meeting could have been an email”. How many times have we all felt that through lockdown? Or, worse…


Foreign clients and tax indemnity: Ask Andy Answers

The private sector IR35 reforms have been in effect for a few weeks now and your questions for Andy Vessey, Kingsbridge’s Head…


How does IR35 apply when working outside the UK?

One question that contractors are frequently asking via our Ask Andy form is when and how IR35 applies when working outside the…

Contracting Life

What can I do if my client isn’t paying my invoice?

There is little more irritating to the self-employed than a client being late to pay an invoice or, well, just…

IR35 Hub

IR35 Webinar: APSCo`s Insights Post-April

Kingsbridge are delighted to be welcoming Tania Bowers, General Counsel and Head of Public Policy at APSCo, to our next…


What are the minor IR35 status tests?

Two weeks ago, the IR35 reforms came into effect – shifting the liability for IR35 status to the fee-payer. As previous IR35 case law shows, a holistic view of a contractor’s working practices is taken…


New agreements and moving abroad: Ask Andy Answers

The 6th April 2021 has been and gone and we’re now into the 2021/22 tax year. This, of course, means that the…

IR35 Hub

FAQs from our IR35 webinar: Mitigating IR35 Risk

The new IR35 rules are officially here. These regulations are part of a series of reforms designed to crack down on “off-payroll” working,…


SDS and Appeals: Ask Andy Answers

We’re now into April and the new off-payroll rules are here. There’s no last-minute reprieve on the way so now really is the…

IR35 Hub

What is a Managed Service company?

A number of market commentators have raised questions about the potential risk to recruiters of being caught in the crosshairs of the MSC…


The news from March that could affect contractors

It’s been a busy month for contractors as the financial year drew to a close. March began with Rishi Sunak announcing the Spring budget as he set…


The IR35 reforms are here! What now?

After being delayed by a year due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, on the 6th April 2021 the off-payroll legislation reform came into effect for the private sector. Despite murmurs of…


How likely is it that you will have a tribunal?

With the private sector IR35 reforms now only a week away, the question on many contractors’ minds is whether it…

IR35 Hub

IR35 Webinar: How to attract the best talent post-April

On the 24th of March, we held a webinar for recruiters and end-clients. With the introduction of IR35 reforms just days…


Disputes and Concerns: Ask Andy Answers

It’s a matter of days now until the reformed IR35 legislation comes into effect, so we have a bumper crop…


What is the loan charge and how is it affecting contractors?

The loan charge is a piece of legislation that was introduced by HMRC back in 2019, as a means to claim back…

Contracting Life

The best podcasts for freelancers

A few weeks ago, we took a look at the 7 blogs every freelancer should be reading. And while we still…


Financial risk and exemptions: Ask Andy Answers

With around two weeks to go until the private sector off-payroll rules come into force, your questions for Andy Vessey,…


How to build an impenetrable IR35 defence

Read on below for a guest post from Mindful Contract Solutions A great contract is an invaluable asset for an…

Contractor Guides

Making Tax Digital: What is it, and do contractors need to worry?

Making Tax Digital (MTD) was laid out back in December 2018, with the Government setting out a roadmap of changes to the UK’s…

IR35 Hub

Just 14% of contractors would accept an inside IR35 determination

We’re finally seeing temperatures creeping above zero and the first buds are coming out. Spring is on its way. For…